YOU SAID IT: Both sides wrong

Tuesday, March 11: Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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No matter how you look at it, both sides in this trade war need to get a grip. If Donald Trump wants the Liberals gone, he’s not alone, but just come out and say so without punishing Canadians as a whole.

Both sides are wrong: Trump for the tariffs and Canada for the counter-tariffs. We’ve had a long history of being partners and allies with the U.S., and things would be a lot different if we had a competent government.

The Liberals, in their ongoing desperation, have jumped on the opportunity to liken Pierre Poilievre to Trump because they’ve used the same words or phrasing. They’re trying to capitalize on the hate for Trump by saying Pierre is the same. I’m sure, if we went through all the video of past politicians, we could find dozens who have said the same things at one time or the other; it doesn’t mean a thing. Pierre’s been putting forth the same policies for a long time and Pierre makes sense … common sense.

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Parliament needs to get back to work. Call an election.



Booing the American anthem only angers Americans and plays into Donald Trump’s hands. Nobody appreciates having their anthem booed. Besides, it’s only going to turn into a booing match between the Canadian people and the American people.

Instead, how about when the American anthem is being played we simply, “BOO TRUMP, BOO TRUMP”.



There is something extremely flawed with our system of government.  How is it that a prime minister who no one wants, including his own party, still had the power to continue to recklessly spend money without facing any opposition?

And then he is replaced by a man who has never won a public election, but inherits the most prominent position in our government. The Liberal party should be ashamed at how it has desperately clung to power.

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In a time when leadership was needed in the face of a tariff war with the U.S., we were being led by a prime minister with one foot out the door. By adjourning Parliament, the Liberals silenced all questions from the opposition and by refusing to call an election they ignored the voice of the people.

So much for the values of democracy.  And so much for putting the country first.



Your letters are welcome, at: Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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