YOU SAID IT: Hypocritical RCMP statement

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Regarding a recent headline about Justin Trudeau pushing for RCMP reform, what a hypocritical declaration by the now-former prime minister.

Under Trudeau, the once-storied reputation of the RCMP and its credibility became seriously sullied. Without proof, Trudeau declared the RCMP systemically racist and forced it to hire and promote based on his diversity, equity and inclusion policy.

Trudeau used RCMP members as escorts for his asylum seekers at Roxham Road rather than having them looking for illicit fentanyl labs. After invoking the federal Emergencies Act, Trudeau used the RCMP to help put down the convoy protest in Ottawa. Many Canadians were left wondering why the RCMP never investigated foreign interference in the last election or the many scandals surrounding the Trudeau government. Why no serious forensic investigation into Trudeau’s allegation of massive Indigenous children graves or the burning of dozens of Catholic churches that followed?

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It will take more than a reshaping of the RCMP to help it regain its reputation as a world-class police organization after a decade of Trudeau using it for his own purposes.

LARRY COMEAU (Retired RCMP superintendent)


If you thought Kamala Harris was a poor choice to lead a country, just watch Mark Carney say, “Hold my beer!” I can see Carney winning his seat on election night, but, when the Liberal party is decimated because Canadians have had enough of the Liberals, I can also see Carney, right on election night, resigning both as leader of the Liberal party and the seat in Parliament that he just won.

Carney only wants to be in Canada if he can have all the perks and privileges of being the prime minister.

I predict that, within a month of the Liberals losing the next federal election, Carney will ditch Canada and be back living across the ocean, claiming again to be a proud European citizen! You heard it here first.



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