The recent advent of the lookalike contest is great news for those of us who are chronically online and easily entertained, but their popularity might be starting to eclipse their functionality.
In a very on-brand move, Hot Ones announced they’d be running a lookalike event for their host Sean Evans, but as it turns out, too many bald dudes with a little bit of swag fit the bill for them to run the contest properly.
The event’s postponement was announced in a Notes app apology post on Instagram, which reads, “It pains us to be writing this message right now. Due to an overwhelming response and amount of men in the New York tri-state area looking exactly like Sean Evans from Hot Ones, we have to postpone our lookalike contest to a later date. Thank you for understanding and we are deeply sorry to the bald white male community of NYC.”
The contest was originally supposed to take place in New York City’s Washington Square Park on March 21 at 4 p.m. The Partiful invite for the event has been updated to show that a new date and time is TBD, and RSVPing is still mandatory.
Hopefully the reorganization stops someone from getting arrested at this lookalike contest for a dude who looks like a bunch of other dudes.
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